Education is the receiving or giving of the knowledge of something to anyone. Education is the source of making ourselves developed in that field whose education we are taking. Today’s world every person is educated about something.
Education plays a wider role in everyone life’s to be well groomed in his/her interests.
Why education is necessary?
Education on the other hand, is beyond the confines of school.The mere fact that we need to introduce ethics and moral education shows that all was not good until now. We raised our children and taught them to dream to big, to dream of becoming good lawyer,engineer, doctor etc. In this quest our children attained those goals but devoid of morality. The result is massive corruption in our society. For we taught our children to become big, to become rich, we didn’t teach them to become ‘happy’. Our society is on the verge of a civil war for we have created two different worlds. The one is rich, it gets richer day by day and the other one is poor and, it’s getting poor day by day. We have practically made our one section of society devoid of all the basic dignities which the humans should enjoy.
All about education:
It is just the matter of time when that section of society raise arms against the other one. This phenomenon is not limited to any country. Globally, our world is divided in two – developed and developing. There is no dearth of resources today yet, when it comes to saving environment all our resources suddenly vanishes and we blame other countries. The same resources come to picture again when we try to forge a nuclear deal and that time we have everything to offer.
Thus it is quite clear that our priorities lack wisdom and humanism
Real education makes the person wise and enables him/her to take ‘wise’ decisions for the society in general and humanity in particular. At last I would like to conclude: Real Education is thus, the pursuit of wisdom. Education is the source to be good in every sector of the society and it’s the matter of interest to be educated in any of our interests.Education also has a direct and significant impact on ‘human development’. The role of education for the whole domestic production is very positive, as is the role of education in human development.